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Religious Leaders gather in Sinai for "Climate 10 Commandments"

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Over 100 world leaders and 40,000 attendees gathered in the Sinai desert to receive the "Climate 10 Commandments" (listed below). "Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and other religious figures will participate in a UN conference on climate change that is taking place this week and next. In conjunction with the UN event, a group of faith leaders is taking an alternative approach, seeking a faith-based solution to the ecological crisis by promoting the “Ten Principles for Climate Justice” in a global initiative."

Climate 10 Commandments:

1. We are stewards of this world

2. Creation manifests divinity

3. Everything in life is interconnected

4. Do no harm

5. Look after tomorrow

6. Rise above ego for our world

7. Change our inner climate

8. Repent and return

9. Every action matters

10. Use mind, open heart

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